Mr. Ten Seven
James Mitchell
I started playing poker around 2000, somewhere during the huge explosion of televised poker. I had zero experience playing but understood the basic hand rankings. My first poker games were home game small stakes tournaments. We would usually have between 5 and 8 guys and play $20 buy in tournament sessions. I was soon hooked.
I prefer the tournament grind over cash games. I started at low-limit cash games, $4-$8 limits, and developed my skill base there but have moved to mid-major tournaments and WSOP events during the World Series of Poker over the last few years and really enjoy the steep competition found at this higher level.

Fun fact: I consider baseball and poker 2 of my favorite passions and realized the similarities recently. You can play either at any size or shape! I can’t think of another sport more similar to poker in that respect. Something else about me is I like to grow fruits and vegetables!
I love poker because it is one of the major things that keep me and my wife close. We love to compete together and enjoy travelling and playing both WPT and WSOP circuit events.