Special Education Advocacy (SEA) DIY Training
Children K – 12 and
Young Adults (17-25)
The Lafaya Way
DIY Special Education Advocacy (SEA) Training
The primary responsibility of a Special Education Advocate (SEA) is to represent the best interests of students in seeking special education supports and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and mandated by law.
This “Do-It-Yourself” Special Education Advocacy (SEA) Training supports you in advocating for your children’s right to an inclusive environment, addressing laws, legislation and common issues relevant to dealing with IEP’s, 504, and other special accommodation issues.
Live online training with Linda McNulty,
top SPED advocate with over 25 years of experience
Plus: Sample letter templates and a list of helpful resources
Your Options:
Children K-12
- Learn how to advocate for your child(ren) at an IEP meeting
- Understand how to sign an IEP with exception (highlighting your concerns & disagreements)
- How to invoke “Stay Put” (keeping your current services)
- Understand how to utilize your more complicated rights such as
- your right to have an assessment to determine if your child is eligible for special education
- requesting “Prior Written Notice”
- requesting an IEE, an independent evaluation at district expense
- and many more!
- How to file a CDE compliance complaint or Office of Civil Rights complaint
- Learn your “Undisclosed Rights” and “Pot-Holes” from an educational rights advocate with 25 years of IEP experience
Regular price: $299
Special Discounted Price: $149
July 17th, 1pm – 3pm PST
Young Adults (17-25)
- Learn about your young adult rights in college and how to request them
- Learn how to procure services from the Departments of Rehabilitation (DOR), Social Security and Regional Centers
- Learn how to self-advocate in the workplace and in college
- Learn how to maneuver in the social world with making conversation and understanding non-verbal communication
Regular price: $299
Special Discounted Price: $149
July 17th, 10am- 12pm PST
NOTE: Additional one-on-one Private SEA Services are available on an as needed basis
Private one-hour session(s) with our advocate to address your specific concerns as it relates to the school/work accommodation needs. This includes-direct interaction with faculty, admin, etc. by way of letters, file review, calls, personal meetings, IEP/504 meeting attendance, etc.
* Special pricing for DIY attendees. Request your price quote today.
Still not sure?
We get it. Let’s chat.
Website: lafayaway.com
Facebook: facebook.com/lafayaway
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lafaya-mitchell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lafaya_way/
Youtube Channel: The Lafaya Way Channel
Hi, I'm Lafaya
Lafaya Mitchell, LMFT @lafaya_way is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who serves kids who are wired differently, their families, and those in the community who have the most access to and interaction with children/teens/adults experiencing social challenges.
She is determined to help families create pathways to peace in their homes through better access to the “Real Truth” in each person’s desire to connect, be heard, and be true to their innate desire to get along with others (especially loved ones).
She created PARENTS EMPOWERING PARENTS (PEP), an online course based on the first 3 books of her parenting book series, “The Lafaya Way” for parents which gives parents immediately tangible ways to: Reduce meltdown behavior, promote a sense of togetherness and team collaboration in the home, and how to teach others what they need to know about their children to encourage improved emotional responses and behaviors.
She loves to play professional-level poker tournaments, create content that helps families and communities heal, and love on her 3 biological kids (ages 17+) and the 3 kiddos she was blessed to be able to foster (all under age 5 yrs). She’s a Sci-Fi and “all things superhero geek” and loves to teach others how to turn perceived challenges into superpowers, the same as she has in her own life!

(916) 596-5613